Press Release | February 23, 2012

New Blog Tracks All Things Transportation in Atlanta

SELC launches "" at Good Jobs, Green Jobs conference

The Southern Environmental Law Center today announced the launch of a new blog that digs deep to explain how local, state and federal policies affect transportation and land use in and around Atlanta.

The blog, JunctionATL is a must-read for elected officials, policy makers, the media, civic groups and anyone interested in the connection between transportation and development issues, and how Atlanta’s investments and policies impact our commute, environment and quality of life.

Blog posts are written primarily by SELC attorneys Brian Gist and Wyatt Kendall, experts in transportation polices and finance issues, and air quality laws. Blog posts include breaking news, short items about national reports and studies relevant to Atlanta, longer analyses on specific Atlanta issues, and guest posts.

Among the topics covered in JunctionATL are Atlanta’s controversial HOT lanes, transit funding, sustainable development projects, high-speed rail, pedestrian and biking projects, issues involving social equity and access to opportunity, federal transportation legislation and funding, and more.  The blog also links to other informative websites, reports, and blogs on these issues.

SELC is launching the blog today to coincide with the Good Jobs, Green Jobs conference, an annual event of the BlueGreen Alliance that brings together leaders from labor, environment, business and public office at all levels to build coalitions that create good jobs and preserve our economic and environmental future. The regional conference in Atlanta features the transportation sector as a key area where investment in the right projects can yield significant job growth and protect natural resources.

JunctionATL is a project of the Southern Environmental Law Center, for 25 years a leading voice for sound transportation policies in Atlanta and the rest of the Southeast as a means to achieve clean air, preserve green space, and improve the quality of life on our region.

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