SELC Appeals Power Plant Permit for Failing to Control Global Warming Pollution
SELC filed papers with the Court of Appeals in Virginia appealing an air permit for the Wise County power plant for violating federal regulations for carbon dioxide (CO2) pollution, one of the main contributors to climate change. Carbon dioxide has been subject to regulation under the Clean Air Act for some time. In issuing the permit for Dominion's Wise County coal plant, the state Air Pollution Control Board failed to require the utility to control the heat-trapping gas.
SELC filed the appeal on behalf of four groups: the Southern Appalachian Mountain Stewards, Appalachian Voices, Chesapeake Climate Action Network, and the Sierra Club.
Last month the Wise Energy for Virginia Coalition resolved its successful claim against the power plant's permit for mercury and other hazardous air pollutants, locking in the strongest mercury standard in the country. Today's filing is an appeal of a separate air permit that governs a different category of pollutants.
See the press release.