News | May 12, 2015

SELC attorney named to key Virginia energy efficiency position

On Monday, Governor McAuliffe appointed Staff Attorney Angela Navarro to his Executive Committee on Energy Efficiency. The group is tasked with developing strategies to move toward the state's goal of a 10% reduction in retail electricity consumption by 2020. The Virginia Energy Plan, released by the Governor's office last October, included a recommendation for the creation of the Committee in order to help achieve the state's efficiency goal.

Navarro leads SELC’s Energy Efficiency Program and is well versed in the role energy efficiency measures can play in reducing consumption of greenhouse gases. Navarro is joined on the Committee by industry representatives, government officials, and academic experts. A full list of members and a press release on the committee’s formation is available here.

In April, Navarro served on a panel focused on the future of climate change in Virginia. You can see her commentary, including the need for pragmatic steps to increase energy efficiency, below.

Complete video coverage of the Next Frontier of Climage Change forum, hosted by The New Republic, is available here.