News | September 15, 2021

Solid waste operations halted near Black neighbors

Renee Cail, president of Citizens for a Healthy and Safe Environment, bumps elbows with SELC attorney Bob Sherrier at an event protesting the Metro Green recycling facility in South DeKalb, Ga. (Michael Schwarz)

Today a DeKalb County Superior Court granted Citizens for a Healthy and Safe Environment’s motion for an injunction to halt Metro Green Recycling from constructing and operating a solid waste handling facility across the street from and in the backyards of thousands of Black neighbors.

“We are pleased with today’s decision to halt Metro Green’s construction and solid waste handling operations, which provides at least some necessary relief from the constant noise, dust and odors our communities have had to endure for nearly a year—we feel that justice has finally been served,” says CHASE President Renee Cail.

SELC, which represents CHASE, has argued that without an injunction, Metro Green’s construction activities and eventual operation would continue to expose thousands of Stonecrest and unincorporated DeKalb County residents to intrusive noise, dust, odors, and vibrations, and the resulting emotional and psychological stress.

Adds Cail, “We look forward to continuing to present our case that this massive solid waste site should have never been approved in the first place, and that the Georgia Environmental Protection Division must now act in the public interest to correct this mistake by revoking the permit.”   

Click here to read more about our work with CHASE to stop Metro Green.