Press Releases
Virginia State Corporation Commission rules on Dominion’s proposed coal-fired power plant in Wise County
On July 13, 2007, Dominion Power applied to the State Corporation Commission for approval of a coal-fired power plant in Wise County it promised would be "carbon capture compatible."...
Environmental groups to file suit over illegal Cliffside air permit
On behalf of four environmental groups, the Southern Environmental Law Center will file a legal challenge today against the state of North Carolina for its issuance of an illegal air quality permit that allows Duke...
Dominion playing shell game with pollution impacts of Wise Co. coal plant
Dominion Power is playing fast and loose with projections about air pollution impacts of its proposed coal-fired power plant in Wise County, a coalition of groups said today in a filing with the Department of...
Dominion concedes its planned coal-fired power plant in Wise County won’t capture greenhouse gases
In a motion to the State Corporation Commission made earlier this week, Dominion Virginia concedes that its proposed 585-megawatt power plant in Wise County is not “carbon-capture compatible.”...
Nineteen groups call on North Carolina to send Cliffside’s permit back to the drawing board
In light of a pivotal federal court ruling last month, 19 environmental groups are urging the North Carolina Division of Air Quality to reopen the air quality permit it finalized for Duke Energy’s proposed new...
Federal judge asked to restrict driving in order to save 2008 breeding season on Cape Hatteras National Seashore
Conservationists are asking a federal judge to suspend beach driving on portions of the Cape Hatteras National Seashore that have been identified as being most critical to threatened and endangered shorebirds in order to protect...
Federal court ruling will send Pee Dee plant draft air permit back to the drawing board for more stringent mercury controls
A federal court ruling today will mean that the S.C. Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) must re-evaluate Santee Cooper’s plans to control mercury at the utility’s proposed Pee Dee coal plant near Pamplico,...
Federal court ruling will send Cliffside air permit back to the drawing board for more stringent mercury controls
A federal court ruling today will require the N.C. Division of Air Quality to re-evaluate Duke Energy’s plans to control mercury at the utility’s recently permitted Cliffside unit. The D.C Circuit Court of Appeals ruled...
EPA loses federal court battle over mercury
The Environmental Protection agency must require power plants, the leading source of mercury pollution in the U.S, to better control their emissions of the dangerous toxin, a federal court ruled today.
SELC statment on NC Air permit granted for Cliffside
The North Carolina Division of Air Quality (DAQ) today granted Duke Energy Carolinas an air quality permit to build a new 800-megawatt unit at its Cliffside power plant near Shelby.