Taxonomy Archives: Tennessee
Draft Study on Surface Coal Mining in the Cumberland Plateau Still Pending
Tennessee Valley Authority to Retire Units at Three of its Coal Plants
Today at a board meeting in Oxford, Mississippi the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Board of Directors voted to retire units at three of its coal plants, totaling over 3,000 MW of generating capacity...
TVA’s Release of Solar Capacity Highlights Unmet Demand for Tennessee Valley Solar Projects
Today the Tennessee Valley Authority will make 2.5 megawatts (MW) of solar capacity available under its Green Power Providers program for small renewable energy projects. This capacity is expected to ...
NAACP, Medical, Public Health and Environmental Groups Urge Court to Uphold Clean Air Safeguards
Eighteen national and state medical, public health, civil rights, environmental, and clean air groups filed a brief late Thursday with the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals defending the U.S. Environment...
Southern Environmental Law Center Releases 5th Annual List of Top 10 Endangered Places in the Southeast
The Southern Environmental Law Center (SELC), the largest environmental advocacy organization dedicated to protecting the Southeast, today released its fifth annual list of the top 10 places in the So...
New Interactive Web Tool Gives Details About Southeast’s Toxic Coal Ash
The Southern Alliance for Clean Energy, Appalachian Voices, Southern Environmental Law Center, and NC Conservation Network today launched the first-ever comprehensive online tool that allows Southerne...
Groups Demand Closer Scrutiny of Proposed $1 Billion Upgrades to Gallatin Coal Plant
In response to costly planned upgrades that would allow the aging Gallatin Coal Plant to keep operating, environmental groups are calling on the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) to consider less expen...
18th Annual Nature Writing Contest Now Underway
The Southern Environmental Law Center is now accepting submissions for its annual Reed Environmental Writing Award.
Federal Court Upholds Closure of the Tellico ORV Area to Protect Brook Trout
Rejecting a challenge from ORV enthusiasts, a federal judge today upheld U.S. Forest Service and conservation groups’ efforts to protect the Tellico River watershed in the Nantahala National Forest, i...
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of the Transportation Bill
After over two years of delay, Congress has finally passed a transportation reauthorization bill.