Press Release | June 15, 2023

Direct Pay Expands Access to IRA Benefits: 

IRS new tax guidance will help speed transition to clean energy

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Department of the Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) released new guidance on key provisions in the Inflation Reduction Act that would expand clean energy tax credits to state, city and local governments and other nonprofit entities.  

In response to the announcement, Southern Environmental Law Center Climate Initiative Leader Alys Campaigne released the following statement:   

“This guidance helps to ensure that federal climate benefits will reach the communities that need them the most. With provisions that expand access to renewable tax credits and make them transferable, the IRA is one step closer to helping alleviate the disproportionately high energy burden many lower-income communities experience while transitioning away from fossil fuels. SELC is excited to help fast-track energy efficiency and renewables and ensure these benefits reach Southern states.” 

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Press Contacts

Aisha Dukule

Communications Manager

Phone: (202) 828-8382
Email: [email protected]

Alys Campaigne

Climate Initiative Leader