Press Releases
River Advocates Allege Clean Water Act Violations By N. C. Hog Operation
River advocates served legal notice to a large industrialized hog operation in eastern North Carolina for violations of the Clean Water Act.
Lee Smith, Renowned Southern Writer and NYTimes Best-Selling Author, Featured Speaker at SELC Event
The Southern Environmental Law Center is pleased to host renowned southern writer Lee Smith at the upcoming Virginia Festival of the Book in a special event on Saturday, March 20 from 12 noon to 2 p.m.
Conservation Groups Applaud Right-Sizing of Massive Mountain Highway in NC, TN
The Departments of Transportation in Tennessee and North Carolina are now studying ways to complete the Corridor K project between Chattanooga and Asheville by improving existing roads instead of building stretches of new four-lane highway...
Conservation Groups Cheer Settlement Ending Long Fight to Stop Road Through Great Smokies Park
SELC joins conservation groups across the region in applauding the historic settlement that successfully ends the decades-long fight to stop a highway through the Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
Conservation groups in court to save highly endangered whales
Conservation groups today challenged the U.S. Navy’s decision to build its $100 million Undersea Warfare Training Range next to the only known calving ground for the critically endangered North Atlantic right whale.
Catawba River Interbasin Transfer Controversy Resolved
Catawba Riverkeeper Foundation, Inc. and SELC reached an agreement with cities to significantly reduce the amount of water transferred out of the Catawba River in North Carolina during drought conditions.
SELC Lauds EPA Proposal to Strengthen Ozone Limit to Protect Health of Southerners
Consistent with the latest scientific data about the growing health threat from breathing smog pollution, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency today proposed to strengthen the national limit for allowable ozone levels. The move would mean...
One Week Left to Enter SELC’s Writing Contest
The Southern Environmental Law Center is accepting submissions for the annual Phillip D. Reed Memorial Award for Outstanding Writing on the Southern Environment for one more week. The deadline for entries is January 11. Finalists...
Coalition Calls on ODEC to Make a New Year’s Resolution and Scrap Hampton Roads Power Plant
In a year when electric utilities around the country have abandoned plans for 26 coal-fired power plants because of economic and regulatory uncertainties, Virginia clean energy advocates called on Old Dominion Electric Cooperative to save...
Suit filed to protect globally rare ecosystem in Virginia
Despite opposition from fishermen, birders, local residents and two federal agencies, the Corps of Engineers illegally issued a permit for a proposed commercial marina in waters just north of Back Bay National Wildlife Refuge in...