Press Release | July 28, 2023

SELC celebrates release of NEPA rule that empowers climate and environmental justice action 

Changes provide much-needed clarity and efficiency around process for major projects 

WASHINGTON — Today the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) released proposed revisions to regulations implementing the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), one of the country’s bedrock environmental laws. This proposal is a long-awaited response to devastating changes to NEPA made by the Trump administration. While SELC is still evaluating the details of the rule, our initial review finds the majority of the changes overwhelmingly positive. 

The proposed changes clarify that NEPA requires full consideration of environmental justice and climate impacts, including climate mitigation and resilience measures.  The changes also reverse several of the Trump administration’s most harmful rollbacks and provide much-needed clarity and certainty. These measures will help impacted communities make their voices heard, encourage efficient and effective federal actions based in science, and reduce project delays to hasten the country’s transition to clean energy.  

“We commend CEQ for ensuring climate change and environmental justice are front of mind as agencies make historic investments in infrastructure and clean energy, and we urge Congress to fund its agencies so that they can deliver on this promise as soon as possible,” said Liz Zepeda, SELC’s Federal Regulatory Director. “As a fundamental backstop, NEPA should ensure a voice for the communities most at risk while addressing the extreme environmental challenges we are facing.”  

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Press Contacts

Rachel Chu

Communications Manager (SC)

Phone: 843-720-5270
Email: [email protected]