Nick Guidi
Senior Attorney
Nick represents SELC partners in electric power matters before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, and coordinates strategy for wholesale market reform in the Southeast. He shapes national transmission and generator interconnection policy and participates in regional transmission planning processes. In the PJM Interconnection stakeholder processes, which affect power users in 13 states including Virginia, North Carolina, and Tennessee, Nick represents clean energy interests.
Nick joined SELC for “the opportunity to work alongside a team of attorneys and experts that have the passion and ability to remake the region’s energy landscape and overcome the threat posed by climate change. I’m most excited by the prospect of working to create an organized wholesale energy market in the Southeast, and in the process, bringing cleaner energy and lower electricity costs to the region.”
Based in Alexandria, Va., Nick’s favorite place in the SELC region is two states away. “The sea breeze off the South Carolina coast is unparalleled,” he says.
- Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Office of the General Counsel – Energy Markets, attorney-advisor
- Paul Hastings LLP, Energy and Global Climate Change Group, associate attorney
- J.D., William & Mary Law School, cum laude; William & Mary Environmental Law and Policy Review, articles editor
- B.A., Boston College, magna cum laude