Taxonomy Archives: South Carolina
EPA CO2 Limits Overdue under Clean Air Act, but Welcome
SELC welcomed EPA's announcement on a proposal to establish nationwide standards for controlling largest sources of heat trapping gas pollutants.
Six Months of Oil Not Worth a Disaster on Southern Coasts, Says SELC
SELC today filed comments that urged the Obama Administration to protect the Atlantic coast and beaches of the South rather than drilling for the small amount of oil offshore.
SELC Urges EPA to Set Strong Smog Limit to Protect Public Health in the South
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency today announced it will re-evaluate the national limit for ozone pollution.
S.C. Supreme Court Grants Review of Charleston Port Case
The S.C. Supreme Court will review a challenge to state permits for the proposed container terminal at the Charleston Navy Base brought by the SELC on behalf of the Coastal Conservation League.
S.C. Pee Dee Coal Plant Suspended
SELC hailed today’s unanimous vote by Santee Cooper’s board to suspend permits for the state-owned utility’s proposed Pee Dee coal plant.
Groups Seek to Delay Charleston Port Construction
The Southern Environmental Law Center and S.C. Coastal Conservation League today asked a federal court in Charleston to delay construction of a container cargo terminal until the Federal Highway Admin...
House Passes First U.S. Effort on Climate Change
Passage of this House bill signals a seismic shift in U.S. policy on climate change—from ignoring the problem to attempting to solve it—but the bill needs strengthening by the Senate.
Senate committee passes compromise version of key water protection bill
In a major step toward reversing years of attacks on wetlands and water protections, the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee today passed the Clean Water Restoration Act (S.787) by a 12-7 vo...
Groups Agree: Strong Energy Efficiency Program Ready to Go
Environmental organizations today reached an agreement with Duke Energy Carolinas and North Carolina Utilities Commission Public Staff under which the company agrees to meet an aggressive energy savin...
New Report: Across America, Waters in Crisis
For decades, the Clean Water Act has broadly protected America’s lakes, rivers, streams, and drinking water sources from unregulated pollution and destruction, rescuing them from the dire straits they...