Taxonomy Archives: Alabama
Bluestone Coke violates Clean Water Act, polluting Five Mile Creek
BIRMINGHAM, Ala.—Today, the Southern Environmental Law Center, representing Black Warrior Riverkeeper and GASP, warned the owners of Bluestone Coke they have 60 days to clean up water pollution from t...
Clean water win: Stopping dangerous development practices in Alabama
ALDOT plan dumps millions into failed Northern Beltline project
BIRMINGHAM, Ala.-- While infrastructure around the state crumbles, the Alabama Department of Transportation continues to dump money into the failed Northern Beltline project—a proposed 52-mile bypass ...
Coosa Riverkeeper Reaches Water Quality Settlement with Newcastle Homes
BIRMINGHAM, AL - The Southern Environmental Law Center (SELC) has reached a settlement with Newcastle Homes on behalf of the Coosa Riverkeeper.
Alabama Public Service Commission greenlights more large-scale solar
MONGOMERY, Ala.—The Alabama Public Service Commission issued a decision late Wednesday allowing Alabama Power to greatly expand the amount of renewable energy resources on its system, which will bring...